Namaste = {}; function namasteConfirmDelete(frm, msg) { if(!confirm(msg)) return false; frm.del.value=1; frm.submit(); } function namasteEnrollCourse(boxTitle, courseID, studentID, url, isSchool) { isSchool = isSchool || 0; tb_show(boxTitle, url + '&course_id=' + courseID + '&student_id=' + studentID + '&is_school=' + isSchool); } function namasteResetPoints(uid) { if(confirm("Are you sure?")) { var s = "?"; var loc = new String(window.location); if(loc.indexOf('?') >= 0) s = "&"; window.location.href = loc + s + "namaste_cleanup_points=" + uid; } } // loads the module selector in admin lessons page function namasteLoadModules(courseID) { data = {'action': 'namaste_ajax', 'type' : 'load_modules', 'course_id' : courseID, 'json' : 1};, data, function(msg) { var modules = jQuery.parseJSON(msg); html = ''; jQuery('#namasteModuleSelector').html(html); }); } // set rating for a course function namasteSetRating(rating, courseID) { jQuery('#namasteRatingCourse' + courseID + '_' + rating).prop('checked', 'true'); // color the stars jQuery('#rateCourse' + courseID + ' label').each(function(i, elt){ if(i + 1 > rating) jQuery('#namasteRatingSpan' + courseID + '_' + (i+1)).removeClass('dashicons-star-filled'); else jQuery('#namasteRatingSpan' + courseID + '_' + (i+1)).addClass('dashicons-star-filled'); }); } NamastePay = {} NamastePay.payWithMoolaMojo = function(id, url, isBundle, redirectURL) { isBundle = isBundle || 0; redirectURL = redirectURL || ''; data = {"id" : id, "is_bundle" : isBundle};, data, function(msg){ if(msg == 'SUCCESS') { if(redirectURL) window.location = redirectURL; else { window.location = window.location + "?paid=1"; window.location.reload(); // because of FireFox } } else alert(msg); }); }